We help investors make a positive impact on the world.
We believe in creating a lasting positive environmental impact and providing shareholders with enhanced returns.
We build long-term relationships with our clients, renewable energy leaders who want to grow their businesses, and we work with them with the goal of building value for their stakeholders and strong returns for our shareholders.
We strive to create shareholder value through the acquisition of long-term sustainable royalty streams and high reinvestment of capital to drive growth, combined with strong capital protection, and low operating costs.

How to invest?
The market for renewables is very large and continues to grow exponentially.
We are the first to take the royalty financing model, well proven in other industries, and apply it to the renewable energy sector.
We focus on providing our shareholders with strong capital returns, growth and a stable distribution.
As a public company, our shareholders are able to participate in this large and growing market.
We strive to provide our shareholders with strong capital returns, growth and a stable distribution, all while helping reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.
You can find us on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "RE" and on the OTCQX Best Market under the symbol "RROYF."
As an investor, you can help us make an impact on growing the clean energy economy.
Our Approach

Every project we finance can help reduce emissions and fight global warming

We are diversified globally across both regulatory jurisdictions and energy generation technologies

We secure our investments against renewable energy generation assets

Predictable Cash Flows
Gross revenue royalties backed by long-term power purchase agreements (or similar revenue arrangements) from creditworthy utilities or strong merchant markets

Proven Technology
We only invest in commercially proven renewable energy technologies

Rapid Growth
Compounding effect of royalty + loan structure allows for capital redeployment and accelerated growth

The market for renewables continues to grow rapidly.
The global renewable energy is very large, with $280 billion invested in the sector in 2017, and it is continuing to grow rapidly. Since 2010, a total of $2.2 trillion has been invested in renewable energy generation capacity.
RE Royalties is the first royalty financing company to focus on the renewable energy sector.
We offer investors the ability to invest into a diversified, fast growing portfolio of royalties including solar, wind, battery storage, run-of-river hydro facilities, and renewable natural gas projects in Canada, Europe, and the United States.

We are financing renewable energy projects
that will make a difference to your future.
We strive to provide a robust risk-adjusted return profile relative to other renewable energy investments. Our business model aims to create significant shareholder value through the acquisition of long-term recurring royalty streams, the reinvestment of capital and royalty income to drive growth, low operating costs, and the application of leverage to enhance shareholder returns.
RE Royalties acquires and manages a portfolio of royalties based on five key investment principles:
Clean energy generation,
Strong risk-adjusted returns,
Stable long-term yield,
High growth potential and
Robust risk mitigation practices.