Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the 1970 birth of the modern environmental movement. On its 50th anniversary, we will do more together than ever before.

Typically, Earth Day is assigned a different theme or area of focus each year; this year’s theme is Climate Action. At RE Royalties, Earth Day serves as an important reminder to bring our sustainable business goals into focus internally and externally.
We will continue to work with our clients to lighten our environmental footprint globally.
Even as you stay home and maintain social distancing, you can still exercise your responsibility to act for the environment. No matter where you are, you can make a difference! The world’s largest civic event is going digital for the first time in its history.
On April 22, RE Royalties is joining our global community for 24 hours of action in a digital mobilization that drives actions big and small, gives diverse voices a platform and demands bold action for people and the planet. Over the 24 hours of Earth Day, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day will fill the digital landscape with global conversations, calls to action, performances, video teach-ins and more.
While Earth Day may be going digital, our goal remains the same: to mobilize the world to take the most meaningful actions to make a difference to combat climate change.
At RE Royalties, we want to highlight why Earth Day is important, although our commitment to sustainability is not limited to just this one day – it’s part of our business DNA.
Sustainability is central to RE Royalties’ business model. We believe we can create a cleaner future faster through innovative finance; this means transforming the way projects get financed and being flexible and creative in how we help solve our clients’ problems.
While much work remains to be done, RE Royalties is making progress in responding to key environmental challenges. That’s a result of the sustainability journey we embarked on when the company was founded, which commits us to continually improve our environmental, social and economic performance.

You can learn more about Earth Day Live here.
At RE Royalties, we are committed to delivering key sustainability initiatives that are at the heart of our business. We take every Earth Day as an opportunity to bring together our staff, Board of Directors, clients and shareholders to deliver projects that foster environmental leadership.
Earth Day is an opportunity to re-commit to our business efforts and remind ourselves why we started RE Royalties in the first place.
Take action: Follow @RERoyalties and @earthdaynetwork on social media for 24 hours of action on Earth Day. We will be sharing powerful ways for you to demand action and drive climate change.