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RE Royalties is Giving Back this Holiday Season

RE Royalties

'Tis the season of giving and there are many ways to give back to those in need this holiday season. Whether you’re buying gifts for a family in need or volunteering at your local soup kitchen, giving back during the holiday season is incredibly impactful.

At RE Royalties, we had the amazing opportunity to partner with organizations that are giving back to our local community, and we are just getting started. RE Royalties has put together a few ways that you can give back to your local community this holiday season (or throughout the year).

1. Donate to a Toy Drive

Put a smile on a child's face and join a toy drive this Christmas. This December, RE Royalties joined the 16th Annual Mining for Toys Event as a platinum sponsor. The fundraiser benefits the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau and the Empty Stocking Fund to ensure families and children in need have a happy and healthy festive season. In 2019, the event collected 300 toys and over $11,000! We are already on track to exceed last year's donations and you can make a donation online here.

2. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen

The holiday season centers around gathering to share a good meal and togetherness; your local soup kitchen is the perfect spot for both. Soup kitchens feed people that wouldn’t otherwise be able to get their next meal. Last year, RE Royalties volunteered at Union Gospel Mission. We worked as a team in the kitchen to prepare and serve 150 meals. It costs $3.29 for one meal and we are pleased that part of our donation went directly towards the meals we helped to prepare.

3. Run in a Charitable Marathon

Yes, exercise can help you give back this holiday season! Charity runs are a great way to get fit and raise money for a cause that is close to your heart. Get those sneakers ready and give back to your community one step at a time. RE Royalties team members have participated in the Vancouver Sun Run Charity program, which provides registrants the opportunity to raise funds for local charities through the pledging program and registration site.

4. Help Youth Build a Positive Future

Last year, RE Royalties went to Covenant House Vancouver to help finance the Community Support Services, which is part of the Street Outreach and Drop-in program. Our donation will provide wraparound care for youth throughout the year and help to support the Backpack Program.

There are several ways you can help make the world a brighter place and we encourage you to explore how you can get your family, children and coworkers involved this holiday season. From all of us at RE Royalties, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



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