Today, June 5, 2019 is World Environment Day, United Nations Day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. Above all, World Environment Day is the "people's day" for doing something to take care of the Earth. That "something" can be local, national or global. It can be a solo action or involve a crowd. Everyone is free to choose.
Sign up for our FREE 4 Week Green Revolution Challenge to help reduce air pollution starting in week 1!
Today is your opportunity to consider ways that you can do something to impact the overall health of the environment.

Each World Environment Day is organized around a theme that draws attention to a particularly pressing environmental concern and the theme for 2019 is air pollution, with China as the country focus.
It’s important to highlight that by reducing air pollution, we can help to improve renewable energy production.
RE Royalties provides financing to innovative renewable energy projects globally, including solar, wind and run-of-the-river hydro projects.

According to calculations recently published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology Letters, air pollution may be decreasing the production of solar energy by up to 25 percent in some regions.
The research focused on Northern India, Eastern Central China, and the Arabian Peninsula – three regions that are known to be dusty or have high levels of air pollution, and that are expected to see lots of solar energy growth in the coming decades.
To control air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, China aims to consume 20% of its primary energy from non-fossil sources by 2030, for which renewable energy sources are crucial.
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 31 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States comes from electricity production — a shocking statistic, especially when methane and carbon dioxide emissions are major contributors to global warming.

Greenhouse gases reduce air quality and increase weather extremes. Using solar energy systems can mitigate some of the damage, as solar panels don’t produce any greenhouse gasses when generating electricity.
RE Royalties has built a portfolio of royalties in Canada, the United States and Europe. These projects play a significant role in combating climate change, which aligns with our company values, as it will displace over 300,000+ tonnes of carbon per year from entering the atmosphere.
As you think about ways that you can combat air pollution on world environment day, consider ways that you can help bring renewable energy projects to fruition.
The more we move away from fossil fuels and other sources of energy, the more efficient solar power gets, and the greater impact we will have on the planet.
World Environment Day is your opportunity to help improve renewable energy production by getting involved with RE Royalties as an investor to help us get projects off the ground faster.
You can find us on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "RE".